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언리얼 컴포져 composure https://youtu.be/Gq1I8LQ0lhE?t=1063
IK Rig Retargeting https://dev.epicgames.com/community/learning/tutorials/vjXW/unreal-engine-animation-retargeting-in-ue-from-mixamo-to-metahuman-icvr
FaceBuilder https://keentools.io/products/facebuilder-for-blender FaceBuilder for Blender | KeenToolsA Blender add-on for creating realistic 3D portraits from images. Heads made with FaceBuilder are animatable, game-ready and can be used for head tracking, capturing facial performance, creating look-alike 3D characters, MetaHumans and 3D avatars or exportkeentools.iohttps://keentools.io/products/facetracker..
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